"We had animated images, drawn live by the French animator Grégoire Pont programmed to move in sync with the music. They were cute, lo-fi and not over-dominant. It’s a pity that while in London Les Siècles wasn’t doing a children’s concert that could have focused on Pont’s ingenious skills."
The Times
"Animator and Illustrator Grégoire Pont’s remarkable work avoids easy technical effects and always sticks to the truth of text and music. Never had the meaning of 'spells' been so well embodied. The result is a masterwork where the stage setting shows unexpected details, designed with a great sense of poetry on the screen."
Classique News
Cinesthetics is a performance concept developed by Grégoire. He ‘paints’ live, creating a unique, non-repeatable experience, when music and motion interplay in a synaesthetic dance. Grégoire Pont has always been passionate about encouraging children and adults to enter into a magical world through his animation.
Wall Street International
"Ma mère l'Oye was brought to life by the 'live' drawings of artist, Grégoire Pont.... Somewhere between a children's game and a 3D Pixar movie, the illustrations on stage, both innocent and delicate, saw a small figure crossing into different worlds and tales, the perfect mirror of Ravel's masterpiece."
"It is hard to imagine that an artist could do what Pont does without feeling part of the orchestra. Pont is a lover of classical music and a storyteller. Put simply, he illustrates what we hear with endearing images, drawn directly onto a computer screen and projected behind the orchestra. Pont’s gestures correspond skilfully to musical phrases like a conductor’s baton.
Pont doesn’t set out to subvert composers’ ideas, and although he may not be a musician, he thinks like one."
The Cusp Magazine